Registration Cap: 350 Runners
Date: Sunday, May 17th, 2020
Time: 7am
Start: Pocono Mountain West High School, Pocono Summit, PA
Entry Fee:
$75 Through December 31
$90 Through March 31
$100 Through May 16th or when registration reaches capacity (350 Runners)
$40 Active Military*
$25 Active Military Academy* *Email to receive a discount code
Review all of the information below and on the Important Information page before registering.
The Course
Half marathon runners follow the full marathon course finishing at mile 13.1. Aid stations every 2 miles with water and Lemon-Lime Gatorade. “Gotta Go Potty” at each station.
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View turn-by-turn course description
No bicycles, roller skates/blades, skateboards, scooters, hand cycles, strollers, or other wheeled vehicles are allowed on the course at any time without prior written permission. Pets and non-registered runners are prohibited on the course. Half Marathon participants must be at least 13 years of age on 5/17/2020. The majority of the course runs on public roads. The major intersections are manned. Most minor intersections are manned. Most of the course cannot be fully closed and runners must run at their own risk. Course support will end at 11 am and all Run for the Red provided health and safety services will terminate.
Half Marathoners Receive
Technical Shirt
All Half Marathon Finishers Will Receive
Half Marathon Finisher Medal
Post Race Refreshments
The overall male and female and the top 3 male and female finishers in each of the following age categories will receive an award: