The Pace Team promises to provide fun and excitement for both first time, and experienced marathoners looking to reach their running goals - whether that's a personal best, or just getting across the finish line. Below are the answers to a few common questions about the Pace Team.
Where do the Pacers come from?
All of our Pacers were chosen because of their years of running many marathons around the country but most importantly their extensive marathon pacing experience. Our Pacers are dynamic and personable, and know from past experience exactly what it takes to help you have a great marathon experience.
What Pace Groups are offered?
We will have marathon groups for 3:15 (7:27 min/mi), 3:25, 3:35, 3:45, 3:55, 4:00, 4:10, 4:25, and 4:40 (10:41 min/mi). Additional groups may be added so check with us at the Expo.
What pace group should I be in?
The best way to select the proper pace group is to consult the Race Prediction charts at There you can base your desired finish time on a previous shorter race you’ve completed this season. It’s very important not to start out to fast in the marathon and to select the proper pace based on your actual previous performance.
What does it cost to run with the Pace Team?
The Pace Team is free to registered runners and doesn’t cost you anything!
How will the Pacers be running the race?
Every pace leader will be holding a steady pace throughout the marathon. These "even splits” are the best way to achieve your peak performance in the race.
Will the Pacers start out on pace exactly? How do they do that!?
The guys and gals serving as Pace Leaders are very experienced and know their pace well. Sometimes at the start it’s crowded and may take a couple of miles to settle into a steady pace. Most importantly, they won’t take you out too fast and burn up all your energy early on.
Where will my Pace Leader be on race morning?
About 30 minutes before the start we’ll be assembling in the starting area. Each Pacer will be holding up their pace sign so when you see it go and join up with the group. About 15 minutes before the start the Pacer will give you some last minute instructions about running with the group. They will talk about the course, what to do if you need a break, and how to make it through the water stops. We will be wearing our bright Pace Team uniforms. Now is the time to ask any last minute questions you may have.
What will the Pace Leader do at the water stations?
The Pacer will usually slow down or walk through the water stops. Listen for this information during the last minute instructions.
Will there be Pace Leaders for me if I’ve trained using the Galloway method?
You can use the Pace Leader as a guide even if you’re using the run-walk method. You will be meeting up with the Pace Leader regularly throughout the marathon, running ahead and then walking behind.
If I join a Pace group do I have to stay with them for the whole marathon?
No you don’t. However, if you feel great at the start of the race that’s normal and you should stay with the group through the halfway point. Then you can consult with the group leader on an appropriate strategy for the second half of the race. If you’re not having a great day then slow down, take some walking breaks and work your way to the finish line. If you’re trying to hit a PR the best advice we can give you is to stick next to your pace leader for the whole race.
Will each group have the same Pace Leader for the entire marathon?
Yes. Each pace group will have one leader and they will run the entire 26.2 miles. You won’t be abandoned or handed off to a newcomer in the middle of the race. We’ll stick with you from start to finish.
Where can I read more about the Pacers?
The Pacer Bios are located here.